

Blue Pools is committed to the development of top quality in-ground swimming pools, utilizing unrivaled materials and components. Our experts are cost and time proficient and have years of experience in building and commissioning the best swimming pools.

We believe in transparency. So, if you think that building a private pool is time consuming, could affect your property, and would be additional maintenance in the long run, then here’s a jot down of the way we construct your customized pool in your premises without causing any effect to the property, and provide a trouble free pool for you to enjoy for many years.


Is your pool antiquated and in need of a performance and cosmetic touch up? Blue Pool offers a simple and quick solution to make your pool new, water and pool maintenance easy, and pool fun to use again. Simply replace the pool finishing with the Blue Pool Re-enforced PVC Liner, and install the Blue Pool Pipe-less Filter, and the pool will be good to use for many more years.


The destruction of the current pool deck is separated in segments with utilization of apparatus. The material is expelled from the pool zone and is dragged away site to a reusing plant. Pool adapting is uprooted and a clean surface is readied for the application of new decking. There are numerous decking alternatives when settling on materials for your pool. We can oblige troublesome access employments with the utilization of little, flexible gear.


Trenches are uncovered and new underground pipes are introduced with unbending PVC channel. New skimmers, primary channels and programmed pool cleaner fittings can all be revamped by Central Pool system.


The pulverization of the current pool deck is separated in segments with utilization of hardware (catamount and a smaller than normal excavator with a pressure driven mallet). The material is expelled from the pool region and is dragged away site to a reusing plant. Pool adapting is evacuated and a clean surface is readied for the application of new decking. There are numerous decking choices when settling on materials for your pool.


In-ground swimming pools can offer various points of interest including giving an unwinding experience in your own particular garden and giving a private space to divert loved ones. Notwithstanding, pools oblige general support, cleaning, and maintenance to keep your pool working and looking its best. Numerous property holders and families frequently get occupied with work, family, and social occasions, and they are not ready to calendar time for pool maintenance.

At Blue Pool, low routine maintenance is a key objective, and following the simple routine cleaning, will ensure that the pool is ready for use whenever required.

Routine Pool Cleaning includes:

Water Treatments

The treatment of water includes concerns regarding maintaining turnover rate, filtration, disinfection and proper usage of chemicals. The entire volume of pool water has to be treated and circulated at regular intervals of time. Thus swimming pools have to be equipped with a re-circulating system including filtration and disinfection facilities to provide water quality consistent with specified chemical and physical standards. Swimming pool recirculation and disinfection equipment are to be operated continuously. Blue Pool benchmarks itself to international companies thus strictly adhering to provide quality treatment of water.

Installation and Supply of all pool operational parts

Blue Pool having great connectivity with suppliers all round the world handles the supply and installation of pool parts. The equipments and parts supplied by us, while being branded and of world class quality are offered at highly competitive prices to our customers. Swimming pool equipment shall be operated and maintained in accordance with approved plans and specifications.

Leak Tests & Rectifications

Pools are built to be water tight. But often due to wear and tear of sealants, pool leakage may occur. It is the worst nightmare of a pool owner to see declining water levels every other day and bearing the burden of sky rocketing rectification costs. Blue Pool takes special attention in early identification of the problem and leakage detection. Close observation and pressure tests will be performed to detect the exact leakage point in the walls, pipes or plumbing system of the pool. Cracks in the pool walls, floors, perimeter overflow systems, and decks shall be repaired by the technicians after detection and large scale rectification works follow suit.

Testing & Commissioning

Blue Pool Maintenance LLC offer testing and commissioning of New Pools, Refurbished pools, Jacuzzis, Fountains, AND Water Features by qualified and certified professionals. The testing and commissioning work includes the activities in preliminary tests and inspections, functional performance tests and the commissioning of newly completed installations and existing ones after major alteration.

If you have any Pool work need...

Simply call our 24 hour emergency number.

+966 54 205 1888